Devlog 1: Puzzle Material

Devlog 1: Puzzle Material

In this Devlog, I followed a tutorial for making a material for jigsaw puzzles:

Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Jigsaw Puzzle Part 1: Material Setup

This tutorial shows how to create a material that can be split up into different pieces so you can use the same texture on different puzzle pieces.

Basically, how it works is:

  1. The texture coordinate node is used to split the original texture into several UVs. The number of UVs is decided by the ‘square root’ of the total number of puzzle pieces.
  2. We then create a mechanism for changing which UV coordinate is being displayed to match the slot/ puzzle coordinate of the puzzle piece it will be applied to.

Afterwards, I created a material instance from the material. Here is the final result:

That's it for this Devlog. See you next time!

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